Industry Collaborated Labs
SASTRA - Keysight Centre of Excellence in RF System Engineering
Available Facility
- Modeling and Simulation Tools (Electromagnetic)
- ADS (Circuit/2D structure simulation)
- EMPro (3D structure simulation)
- SystemVue (System Design and Simulation)
- Test and Measurement
- Vector Signal Source (6GHz)
- Signal Analyzer (26.5GHz)
- Network Analyzer (50GHz)
- Wide Band High Speed Oscilloscope (2.5GHz BW)
- Active probes and test fixtures
- Vector Signal Analysis Software
- Digital Demodulation
- SDR based transceivers (up to 6 GHz)
- Microstrip Antenna/components fabrication facility
- Rapid prototyping facility for next generation radios
- Design of wireless radio networks
- Signal Analysis up to 26.5 GHz
- Two port Network analysis up to 50GHz

Electric Vehicles Engineering & Robotics (EVER) Lab supported by Brakes India
EVER Laboratory mainly focuses on EHVs to meet the demands of the future.
Major Facility
- Opal RT Real time Simulator Hardware Set up
- 1 – HP PMSM
- Diode Clamped Multi Level Converters
- DSO and software such as Driver and Interfacing Software – Opal RT, MATLAB
Ongoing research work
- Design and Construction of a Novel Solar Photovoltaic Power Source and Thermal Collector for Electric Vehicle Industry to Minimise Carbon Emission
- Improving the performance of the standard SLAM algorithms by suitable pre-processing techniques in a probabilistic Bayesian framework. The work aims to improve the performance of EKF-SLAM by providing accurate measurement of pose change and innovation factor
 Lab supported by Brakes India/electricvehicles_brakesindia.jpg)
 Lab supported by Brakes India/Electric vehicles lab.jpg)
Intrusion Detection Lab supported by TATA Power SED
Intrusion Detection Lab supported by TATA Power SED
Major Facility
- Intel DE1 – SoC: Development & Evaluation Board – 1 with Cyclone V FPGA and ARM Cortex A9 Microprocessor
- Intel DE1 – SoC MTL2: Development & Evaluation Board – 1 with Cyclone V FPGA, ARM Cortex A9 Microprocessor and a GCLD touch display
- ARR Daughter Card: Interface and Add – on for FPGAs for RF communication
- RFS Daughter Card: Interface and Add – on for FPGAs includes WiFi, Bluetooth, UART and Sensors
- Workstations: Workstation with 32 GB of RAM, i7 processor, 1 TB of hard disc for high speed programming and processing
Ongoing research work
- Quantum random number generator on IBM quantum machine
- DDoS attack resistant Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on reconfigurable hardware
- Digital rights management
- Design for testability for crypto-devices